Monday, March 30, 2009

My True Love...

At the end of the day when it really comes down to it there is nothing that I love more than a good pair of UNDIES.

1 comment:

  1. Catie-
    Thanks for checking out my blog, and good luck with your blogs, especially Undies It All!

    It's always cool to hear from another aficionado of underwear and lingerie.

    I was going to reply to a post on one of your other blogs about you liking the term 'Undies' much better than that P word, but maybe it's better suited here.

    My girlfriend's never had a problem with the term 'panties', but I have known a few women that just loathe the term, using 'underwear' instead. Then again, not too many guys will use the term 'undies', so it may be a fair trade.

    Maybe there's a post or discussion in that for you.

